Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Our Cultural Dependence on the Internet and News

The economy and the continuous advancing in technology as a whole has set up positive and negative aspects to people about news and how it is presented to its viewers. In terms of 'The Demise of the Newspaper,' I believe there to be two very strong opposing sides to this story; one side in regards to the people who work for the newspaper industry. This could also include their families. The opposing side of this topic could be a couple different groups of people; people who believe in environmental protection or could also include people who work for the industry regarding the Internet. It now comes down knowledge and credibility of the sources one would read from.

To write in the newspaper, people must be hired and in most cases these people must have an experienced educational background, indicating they have gone through the procedures of ethics in the media. Furthermore, these people know where to find sources that are most acknowledging of the topic being portrayed. On the contrast, Internet information could potentially be unreliable because the lack of knowledge about who and where there information and sources are coming from. Internet, however, has been a very useful tool for convenience, not only in time, but also in resources:

· News on the Internet does not use paper saving beyond millions of trees every year.

The newspaper has been a cultural necessity, but I believe that the Internet is becoming a far more necessary and convenient way to check local news as well as universal news.

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