Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Hello Media Writers,
Welcome to the blog for JMC 201 Section 813. This is a place for us to discuss the different issues and perspectives surrounding the demise of the newspaper.

We'll go over the assignment in lab this week.

See you soon!

1 comment:

  1. With the rise of technology, the growing demand for the internet to be more useful, and people's obsession with it, it is becoming more and more so that the newspaper is seemingly losing its connection with the world, but is it really so? Is the newspaper becoming a dinosaur?

    The newspaper is seen as a way to take the news with us, to allow us to look at the many stories that are occuring through the city, state, nation, even the world.

    But the newspaper, for supposedly all of its flaws, still stands, because many of us are used to opening the paper and seeing what there is. There is also the classic clipping of articles and photos, keeping them as keepsakes or mementos. The fact of seeing something that is shown to the masses, that involves either you or a close friend, or a relative, seeing it on paper is something that is thrilling, and can't be replicated on the Internet.

    The access to stories may be granted by internet, but odds and ends, like comics, diagrams, crosswords, cannot, and thus, we turn to the newspaper for it.

    The newspaper is not dead, but it is an endangered species, and even despite that, the newspaper still has its loyalties, and it may take quite alot to have it disappear for good.
